PHP MySQL Course in Mumbai

PHP is one of the most popular and easiest language used to develop web applications. It also provides high compatibility with leading operating systems and web servers

Benefits of learning PHP

PHP application is mainly used for the server side scripting, Command line Scripting and to create dynamic web page.

PHP Basic

Introduction, Environment Setup, Variable, Data Types, Operators, Decision Making, Loops, Arrays, PHP Get and Post Methods, PHP Functions and Cookies, PHP Session, Sending Email, Regular Expression, Error and Exception Handling, PHP Object Oriented Programming

PHP Advanced

File Handling, Image Uploading, Email Functions, pdf File generation, Excel sheet generation, PHP and FTP protocol, Zip file generation, Creating Login system, online registration


Handling database console, Handling Database on PHP my admin panel, Basic insert, update delete, Joins

Learn Advance PHP and MySQL Courses in Thane and Mumbai